AS ONE Initiatives

Acquisition of Environmental Real Estate Certification Rank A

  • Acquisition of Environmental Real Estate Certification Rank A
  • Acquisition of Environmental Real Estate Certification Rank A

Midosuji Honmachi Urban Building, a building owned by our company, received an A rank evaluation in the CASBEE®-Real Estate evaluation tool for the environmental performance of buildings and the status of environmentally friendly operation.

Streamlining Distribution

  • Streamlining Distribution figure
  • Streamlining Distribution figure

We can simplify shipping between our nearly 4,000 suppliers and roughly 13,000 dealers by reducing a maximum 52,000,000 by 1/3,058th to as few as 17,000 shipments. By serving as a wholesaler, we contribute to reducing shipment costs for all of society. We also launched joint logistics with reagent manufacturers that have the same delivery destinations as our logistics network.
This is small step but we will continue contributing to increasing partners and reducing the overall number of trucks used by the industry.

Promoting delivery services

  • Continuous expansion of delivery services
  • Continuous expansion of delivery services

We outsource shipment and transport to external operators, without retaining our own fleet of trucks. We contract dedicated trucks (outsourcers) that drive the same route daily that we refer to as “delivery services”. Delivery services enable ecofriendly shipping by delivering products in folding containers instead of cardboard boxes to eliminate packaging materials that need to be discarded. We have increased the number of delivery service trucks each year. We have also incorporated this initiative into our Medium-Term Management Plan, and will continue to promote delivery services as a way to control costs and reduce environmental load.

CO2 Emissions


We have announced our participation in the Renewable Energy 100 Declaration RE Action, a framework with the goal of converting 100% of the electricity used to renewable energy by 2050 at the latest in order to reduce corporate Scope 2 emissions. We have set targets of 42% renewable energy in FY2030 and 100% renewable energy by FY2050.

Reducing headquarters building electricity consumption

  • Before and after heat source upgrades
Comparison of electricity consumption
  • Before and after heat source upgrades
Comparison of electricity consumption

In June 2021, we upgraded the air conditioning systems at our headquarters building to the latest environment-friendly units to reduce electricity consumption by roughly 157,673kwh per year.

Promoting Waste Reduction

  • Waste Volume and Recycling Rate (Osaka)
  • Waste Volume and Recycling Rate (Osaka)

We promote waste reduction in Osaka, where our headquarters building is located. By adopting workflows, RPA, and other paperless systems, we were able to reduce overall waste and increase our rate of resource recycling.

Catalog Recycling

Recycling activities unique to AS ONE.


When issuing new catalogs, we collect old versions from our customers. The collected catalogs are then disassembled at a paper factory and recycled for uses such as recycled paper, wrapping materials, and fuel. These efforts are supported by our customers as being a part of AS ONE’s unique environmental protection measures. We revised our Scientific Instruments General Catalog in FY2020and revised the Nursing and Medical General Catalog in FY2021. Over the two-year period, we recycled 183 tons of paper.

Increasing Online Orders

Going paperless via digitization

  • Paper Used
  • Paper Used

We have been reducing both costs and use of paper by switching from fax orders to online or EDI-based orders as well as by increasing e-commerce transactions with users and dealers. In recent years, fax orders have been converted to image files to reduce paper consumption.

Environmentally Responsible Packaging

Delivering merchandise without creating waste


AS ONE uses simple packaging with no cushioning materials in order to eliminate the use of excessive packaging. This protects the environment by using resources effectively and lowers the volume of materials that need to be discarded after merchandise is delivered to a customer.

Sales of environmentally friendly products


We are promoting the sale of biomass plastic products made from plants instead of petroleum, non-fluorocarbon products, and products covered by the Green Purchasing Law, and our handling of eco-related products is increasing year by year.

Biomass Plastics

Ecology Measuring cup

Heat-Resistant PP Bag
for Autoclaves

Disposable Catch
(Biomass PP)

Disposable Shoe Cover
(25% Biomass Plastic)

Act on Promoting
Green Procurement


Recycled pulp

Hand towel

Dioxin reduction

PP Desktop Draft Set


Non-Flon Multi-Thermo

Eco friendly car


In consideration of the environment, we will gradually switch to hybrid cars with good fuel efficiency (low CO2 emissions) for the company cars used at the head office and other bases, and partially switch to electric cars that emit zero CO2 emissions while driving. We are testing and deploying at our bases, and are considering full-scale introduction.

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