AS ONE has created a corporate code of conduct tobetter reflect our management philosophy ofInnovation and Creation and our management policyof pursuing customer satisfaction.
We make every effort to earn customer trust and satisfaction by ensuringquality and safety to provide products and services with value. We alsowork continuously to improve that value.
We comply with relevant laws and corporate ethics to ensure legal andappropriate business practices
We do not allow unjust transaction restrictions or conduct transactionsbased on unfair methods.
We do not offer excessive gifts and entertainment. We comply with lawsand do not make political contributions or donations deemed inappropriateby society.
We take an unwavering stance against anti-social forces or organizationsthat threaten social order or safety, and will never submit to or acquiescesuch forces.
We handle personal information and all other information legally andappropriately.
We provide timely, appropriate information disclosure to customers,shareholders, investors, and all other stakeholders.
All AS ONE directors and employees think about whether or not our actionsare in line with rules to ensure we act as good members of society.
We work to maintain a work environment that allows each employee toapply their unique creativity and individuality, and to promote a motivatedand energetic approach to implementing our management philosophy andmanagement policy.
We will never accept or allow sexual harassment, power harassment, orany other forms of harassment.
We maintain an awareness of our responsibilities as good corporatecitizens, and work to maintain a balance of prosperity for human societywhile working tirelessly to protect and conserve a healthy globalenvironment.
We respect all human rights mandated by law and outlined in the UniversalDeclaration of Human Rights and international labor standards. We do notdiscriminate based on race, skin color, creed, religion, nationality, age,gender, or place of birth. We also do not accept or allow suchdiscrimination.