Office environment and Various systems

In-house environmental improvement policy

1.Basic approach to work environment

The basic approach to the work environment established by the Company is as follows:
(1) Establish distinctive human resources and benefits systems that support diverse values
(2) Implement various measures to improve the quality of human connections and relationships
(3) Provide work environments and office layouts that attract motivated and capable human resources

2.Human resources and benefits systems

AS ONE has established human resources and benefits systems that respect the values of our diverse personnel and support the success of our human resources.
Based on the results of personnel interviews, self-assessments, and periodic employee awareness surveys, all systems are checked once a year to ensure that good relationships are built between the Company and employees, and the Company’s systems are reexamined as necessary on a case-by-case basis.

Various Work-life Balance Systems

Benefit systems to ensure diversity
—Various initiatives that overflow with originality—

Human right & diversity

AS ONE has brought together its performance for the main indicators (environment, and society) on our sustainabilitysite.

Employee Awareness Survey

  • Enployee Satisfaction
  • Enployee Satisfaction

We conduct employee awareness surveys each year.We are maintaining a “Very high” rating on the four-tier-scale for employee satisfaction.


To align the vectors of employee motivation and our Medium-Term Management Plan, we have implemented an employee incentive program that is based on our level of achievement for the Medium-Term Management Plan. The condition for incentives is the achievement of the annual net sales and operating profit figures outlined for each year of the Medium-Term Management Plan. Managerial staff are issued Company stock and regular employees are issued cash bonuses.

4.Office layouts

Through a task force involving various employees, the Company engages in discussions on how the office layout should be, regardless of stereotypes, and these opinions are an important factor in judging the management of the Company. We also receive a broad range of employee opinions on our message board (AS ONE〒POST), to which any employee can post comments.

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